Monday, January 24, 2011

A new project for 2011


Gcc/g++ ANSI C soruce code examples & more. Past versions of sorce code that work with ubuntu.

I have started A new data-bank of source code. Think of it as A Internet version of a junk yard. sure..

Famous Jr Bob Dobbs quotes:

* "Try Summum. I'm down with masturbatory pleasure."

* "You'll PAY to know what you really think."

* "They may be Pink, but their money's still green!"

* "Don't just eat that hamburger, eat the HELL out of it!"

* "You know how dumb the average person is? Well, by definition, half of 'em are even dumber than THAT."

* "I'd like my monkey brains well done."

* "So far we've had a rain day and a sun day. I think it's time for a snow day."

* "You don't use your mind to think about your religion."

* "This 'Church of the SubGenius' is the best scam I ever pulled."

* "Ivan Stang? Douglas St. Clair Smith? Who are they? I never met the guy."

* "Pull off your pants, and ROLL AROUND IN YOUR MISTAKES. Then send me your life savings."

* "Pull the wool over your own eyes."

* "Fuck `em if they can't take a joke."

Basic sub shell idea Version 2.5











#define SIZE 256

#define clrscr() printf("\e[1;1H\e[2J")

void printFileAsHex(FILE* file);

char toVisibleCharacter(int byteVal);

void writeLine(char* lineBuffer, int buflen);

char upperToHex(int byteVal);

char lowerToHex(int byteVal);

char nibbleToHex(int nibble);

#define LINELEN 16

void help_function() {

printf("\n Index of commands for coreline 2.5Beta \n");


printf("1. uptime - total systems up time.\n");

printf("2. cls - clear the screen.\n");

printf("3. helpme - This help screen.\n");

printf(" Sub commands: help & cmdlist.\n");

printf("4. fileinfo - Basic File info. \n");

printf("5. filesize - [input1] file size. \n");

printf("6. time - The Date & Time. \n");

printf("7. typefile - [input1] dump text file contents.\n");

printf("8. remove - [input1] Remove a file. \n");

printf(" Sub commands: del & remove.\n");

printf("9. rename - [input1] [input2] Rename a file. \n");

printf("10. hexdump - [input1] hex dump of file. \n");

printf(" Sub commands: hex and/or hexdump. \n");

printf("11. shell - Open a new bash shell, \n");

printf(" type exit to return to coreline prompt.\n");

printf("12. fortune - A random fortune just for you.\n");

printf("\n Bash Command line Usage: \n");

printf("coreline [input1] [input2] \n\n");

return 1;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


int i, j = 20;

for( i = 0; i <= j; i ++ ) {

if( i == 15) { continue; }

/* Start inside the header of the loop */

char name[12];


scanf("%s", &name);

if (strcmp ("fileinfo", name) ==0 ) {

char cmpname[256];

struct utsname uts;

struct stat file_stats;

if ( stat( argv[1], &file_stats) == -1 ) /* get info */



printf("filename: %s total size, in bytes: %ld \n", argv[1] ,file_stats.st_size);

printf(" %s last access: %s ", argv[1] ,ctime(&file_stats.st_atime));

printf("%s last modification: %s ", argv[1] ,ctime(&file_stats.st_mtime));

printf("last change: %s ", ctime(&file_stats.st_ctime));

printf("device: %lld ",file_stats.st_dev);

printf("** inode: %ld **",file_stats.st_ino);

printf(" protection: %o \n",file_stats.st_mode);

printf(" number of hard links: %d\n",file_stats.st_nlink);

printf(" user ID of owner: %d --",file_stats.st_uid);

printf(" group ID of owner: %d\n",file_stats.st_gid);

printf(" device type (if inode device): %lld\n",file_stats.st_rdev);

printf(" blocksize for filesystem I/O: %ld\n",file_stats.st_blksize);

printf(" number of blocks allocated: %ld\n\n",file_stats.st_blocks);

if(gethostname(cmpname, 255) == 0)

printf(" Host Name : %s\n", cmpname);

if(uname(&uts) == 0) {

printf(" System Name : %s\n", uts.sysname);

printf(" Machine Name : %s\n", uts.machine);

printf(" Node Name : %s\n", uts.nodename);

printf(" Release Name : %s\n", uts.release);

printf(" Version Name : %s\n", uts.version);


} else

if (strcmp ("filesize", name) ==0 ) {

struct stat infobuf;

if ( stat( argv[1], &infobuf) == -1 )



printf(" The size of %s is %d\n", argv[1], infobuf.st_size );



if (strcmp ("uptime", name) ==0 ) {

struct sysinfo sys_info;

struct group* grp;

gid_t gid;

int days, hours, mins;

if(sysinfo(&sys_info) != 0)


days = sys_info.uptime / 86400;

hours = (sys_info.uptime / 3600) - (days * 24);

mins = (sys_info.uptime / 60) - (days * 1440) - (hours * 60);

printf("Ubuntu Uptime: %ddays, %dhours, %dminutes, %ldseconds \n", days, hours, mins, sys_info.uptime % 60);

printf("Load Avgs: 1min(%ld) 5min(%ld) 15min(%ld) \n", sys_info.loads[0], sys_info.loads[1], sys_info.loads[2]);

printf("Total Ram: %ldk \n", sys_info.totalram / 1024);

printf("Total Free Ram: %ldk \n", sys_info.freeram / 1024);

printf("Total memory units: %ld \n", sys_info.mem_unit);

printf("Shared Ram: %ldk \n", sys_info.sharedram / 1024);

printf("Buffered Ram: %ldk \n", sys_info.bufferram / 1024);

printf("Total Swap: %ldk - Free Swap: %ldk \n", sys_info.totalswap / 1024, sys_info.freeswap / 1024);

printf("Total Number of open processes: %d\n", sys_info.procs);

gid = getgid();

printf("Group ID: %d ", gid);

if((grp = getgrgid(gid)) == NULL )

return 1;

printf("Group %s \n", grp->gr_name );

if(strcmp(grp->gr_passwd,"x") == 0)

printf("Password is protected by shadow file.\n");


printf("Password: %s\n", grp->gr_passwd);

} else

if (strcmp ("time", name) ==0 ) {

char buffer[SIZE];

time_t curtime;

struct tm *loctime;

curtime = time (NULL);

loctime = localtime (&curtime);

fputs (asctime (loctime), stdout);

strftime (buffer, SIZE, "Today is %A, %B %d.\n", loctime);

fputs (buffer, stdout);

strftime (buffer, SIZE, "The time is %I:%M %p.\n", loctime);

fputs (buffer, stdout);

} else if (strcmp ("clear", name) ==0 ) {


} else if (strcmp ("cls", name) ==0 ) {


} else if (strcmp ("typefile", name) ==0 ) {

char str[SIZE];

FILE * file;

file = fopen( argv[1] , "r");

if (file) {

while (fscanf(file, "%s", str)!=EOF)

printf("%s", str);



} else if (strcmp ("help", name) ==0 ) {


} else if (strcmp ("helpme", name) ==0) {


} else if (strcmp ("cmdlist", name) ==0) {


} else if (strcmp ("remove", name) ==0) {

if(remove(argv[1])) printf("Error: File %s not removed.\n", argv[1]);


printf("File %s removed. \n", argv[1]);

} else if (strcmp ("del", name) ==0) {

if(remove(argv[1])) printf("Error: file %s not removed.\n", argv[1]);


printf("File %s removed. \n", argv[1]);

} else if (strcmp ("rename", name) ==0) {

if(rename(argv[1], argv[2]) != 0) {

printf("Error: Renameing file %s to %s rename fail!", argv[1], argv[2]); }

} else if (strcmp ("hexdump", name) ==0) {

FILE *dumpit;

dumpit = fopen(argv[1], "rb");



} else if (strcmp ("hex", name) ==0) {

FILE *dumpit;

dumpit = fopen(argv[1], "rb");



} else if (strcmp ("shell", name) ==0) {

printf("Droping to new bash shell.");

printf("\n\n Note: you have not exited coreline, \n");

printf("type exit to close this bash shell & return to coreline prompt. \n\n");


} else if (strcmp("fortune", name) ==0) {


} else if (strcmp("exit", name) ==0) {

printf("Exiting Program Good bye! \n");

return 0;

} else if (strcmp("quit", name) ==0) {

printf("Exiting Program Good bye! \n");

return 0;


else {



return 0;


void printFileAsHex(FILE* file)


int count = 0;

char buffer[LINELEN];



int byteVal = fgetc(file);

if(EOF == byteVal)




buffer[count] = byteVal;


if(count >= LINELEN)


writeLine(buffer, LINELEN);

count = 0;



if(count > 0)


writeLine(buffer, count);



char toVisibleCharacter(int byteVal)


if(byteVal >= 32 && byteVal <= 126)


return (char) byteVal;


return '_';


void writeLine(char* lineBuffer, int buflen)


int i;

for(i=0; i


char chu = upperToHex(lineBuffer[i]);

char chl = lowerToHex(lineBuffer[i]);

printf("%c%c", chu, chl);


if(buflen < LINELEN)


for(i = LINELEN - buflen; i>0; i--)






for(i=0; i


char ch = toVisibleCharacter(lineBuffer[i]);

printf("%c", ch);




char upperToHex(int byteVal)


int i = (byteVal & 0xF0) >> 4;

return nibbleToHex(i);


char lowerToHex(int byteVal)


int i = (byteVal & 0x0F);

return nibbleToHex(i);


char nibbleToHex(int nibble)


const int ascii_zero = 48;

const int ascii_a = 65;

if((nibble >= 0) && (nibble <= 9))


return (char) (nibble + ascii_zero);


if((nibble >= 10) && (nibble <= 15))


return (char) (nibble - 10 + ascii_a);


return '?';
