Monday, January 24, 2011

A new project for 2011


Gcc/g++ ANSI C soruce code examples & more. Past versions of sorce code that work with ubuntu.

I have started A new data-bank of source code. Think of it as A Internet version of a junk yard. sure..

Famous Jr Bob Dobbs quotes:

* "Try Summum. I'm down with masturbatory pleasure."

* "You'll PAY to know what you really think."

* "They may be Pink, but their money's still green!"

* "Don't just eat that hamburger, eat the HELL out of it!"

* "You know how dumb the average person is? Well, by definition, half of 'em are even dumber than THAT."

* "I'd like my monkey brains well done."

* "So far we've had a rain day and a sun day. I think it's time for a snow day."

* "You don't use your mind to think about your religion."

* "This 'Church of the SubGenius' is the best scam I ever pulled."

* "Ivan Stang? Douglas St. Clair Smith? Who are they? I never met the guy."

* "Pull off your pants, and ROLL AROUND IN YOUR MISTAKES. Then send me your life savings."

* "Pull the wool over your own eyes."

* "Fuck `em if they can't take a joke."

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